Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Tuesday Children books

[not the finished document]

Excelent! Second task is to analyse children books.

-- Task a --
At first we were at a public library. There are clearly separateable sections: one section for the younger reader and one for the adult ones. The rack are smaller, the furniture is tiny and there are enough toys to play. It is great for the kids to read a book, after that play a little bit, and then continue with reading. In the other section for adult-literature you can find higher racks and of course no corner with toys.

-- Task b --
To the books: at first, I've took "Paul Bunyan" from Eric Blair. It's about a giant man who went out in the big world, but at the end he have found back to home. The hole book is about how the guy handle his handicap, like "Paul grew so large that his mom had to sew his pants from blankets". The main character is Paul. He is shown as a good, friendly and helpful giant. Everywhere he come, he helps the people there, for example as lumberjack he "could cut down 10 trees with one swing of his huge ax". In the second part of the book, there appears an ox called "Babe" . Paul saved it, and they become best friends for ever.

The second book was named as "Anansi does the impossible". The start: Anansi was a little spider, and the sky god had owned all folktales. Anansi wanted to bring they back and had to solve three tricky tasks. Of course, she could solve the problems with using her brain.

These books are typical books I also would had read in Germany. They are short, have around two sentences on one side and great illustrations for better understanding of the texts. But one thing attracts attention: it seems that these books are written just for "white-colored" kids. In Paul Bunyan and other children books choosen by other students there were no black-colored people.

All in all, I found a lots of values transportet in the storys. In the first book, there is Paul, a giant who use is power to help other and do not harm them. After a long journey, he returned to his roots and come back home. In the second book I found the classical plot, that one tiny individuum go out and fight against the big evil (David vs. Goliath [correct written?]). And this individuum do not win with the use of power, it wins with the use of the brain.

See you tomorrow!

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